Basic Syntax #

With Zedocs you will be using Markdown to write your documentation. Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text-formatting syntax.

This page will go over the basics of how to author Markdown files as well as the basic syntax.

Markdown files #

Markdown files are text files with an extension of .md. You can use any text editor to open and edit Markdown files.

Here is an example of a file called

# Hello world

This is my _first_ document!

Inline markup #

With Markdown you are able to style your text inline. Note that using _ and * is interchangeable.

You write You see
_italic_ italic
**bold** bold
_**both**_ both
`code` code
~~strike~~ strike
_hey **nested**_ hey nested

Paragraphs #

Markdown content is rendered into paragraphs. Each paragraph is separated by an empty line. Newlines inside the source are ignored so use <br> when necessary.


Hello. This is the first paragraph.

This is the second
paragraph. The newlines
will be ignored. Except this one<br>
It will work.

Will be rendered as:

Hello. This is the first paragraph.

This is the second paragraph. The newlines will be ignored. Except this one
It will work.

Headings #

You can use one or more # characters to make a heading. # denotes <h1>, ## denotes <h2> and so on up to ######. It is best practice to only use one h1 heading, at the top of the page. Additionally you should limit yourself to using #, ## and ###. Deeper nesting makes documents hard to read and it is better to just split the content into multiple files.

The first # heading is used to determine the page title in Zedocs.


# Title

## Section

### Subsection

Blockquotes #

To create a blockquote, add a > in front of a paragraph. You can contain multiple paragraph inside a blockquote by having > at the start of each line in the blockquote.

Blockquotes can also be nested, by using multiple >, e.g. >>.


> Single paragraph quote

> This quote contains...
> ...multiple paragraphs!
> > and also is nested!

Will be rendered as:

Single paragraph quote

This quote contains...

...multiple paragraphs!

and also is nested!

Lists #

Lists can be ordered (1, 2, 3) or unordered (using bullet points). Doing this is simple in markdown.


1.  First item
2.  Second item
    1.  Deeper level

-   Some point
-   Other point
    -   A sub-point

Will be rendered as:

  1. First item
  2. Second item
    1. Deeper level

Code blocks #

You already know that it is possible to style code inline using backticks `. But you can also create code blocks with triple backticks ```. It is also very easy to have syntax highlighting. Just specify the language after the backticks e.g. ```html.



<div class="foo">
    <p>This is html code</p>

Will be rendered as:

<div class="foo">
    <p>This is html code</p>

The syntax for links is very straightforward. Use [] to specify the link text and () to specify the links url. You can also and an optional title with "".

In Zedocs relative links to other markdown files are converted to absolute links to those files. The linked files are also rendered and included in the output.



Links can also be inline [yay]( and can contain markdown
and titles [hover _over_ me]( 'Optional title').

You can also link to other markdown files: [secret page](./

Will be rendered as:


Links can also be inline yay and can contain markdown and titles hover over me.

You can also link to other markdown files: secret page.

Images #